Daycare Centres

Na'amat Delivers Top Notch Child Care

daycare-4As the largest provider of child care services in Israel, Na’amat operates 180 Daycare Centres throughout the country and cares for over 13,000 infants and toddlers from ages 3 months to 3 years.  The Centres are in large cities, smaller towns, agricultural settlements and Arab villages.  This wide-ranging network allows working mothers to remain in their jobs even when their children are very young.


Personalized Education

Innovative programming emphasizes both individual attention and group activities. Curiosity and a love of learning are developed as boys and girls are encouraged to play and explore. Teachers are attentive, nurturing, and watchful for possible learning disabilities. Above all, our facilities provide a warm, secure and homelike atmosphere where youngsters can have fun!.

Pyjama-to-Pyjama (Extended Hour) Daycare Centres  


Many of our children grow up in families experiencing severe socio-economic hardships. Na'amat provides special attention to orphans and children who have been abused, traumatized by terrorism, or afflicted by poverty or other difficult family situations, by offering 18 extended-service daycares -- running from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. This allows up to 2,000 children to spend most of their waking hours in a safe and nurturing environment. We call this "pyjama-to-pyjama" service!  Read Michaela’s story here

Accessible to All

Wherever child care is needed, Na'amat is there to provide it. Our facilities are located in remote towns and major cities; either close to or even inside the parent's workplace. Our centres welcome Israeli children of all religions and ethnicities, and tuition is on a sliding scale, based on the family's ability to pay.