Abba Project
The Abba Project (“abba” means “father” in Hebrew) is an initiative at the Na’amat Canada Glickman Centre for Family Violence Prevention, in Tel Aviv. It was established in 2020 due to a growing need to create discourse and provide unique responses for fathers struggling with the challenges of raising their children.
It constitutes an inclusive “safe space” that responds to these fathers. Strategies include personal counselling, group sessions and spousal meetings. Sessions are also available on Zoom, while maintaining discretion and affordability. In addition, lectures and workshops are offered on subjects of parenting and fatherhood.
[Update: July 2021] Because of the success of the Abba programs and services in Tel Aviv, Na’amat has expanded to offer Abba in other municipalities in Israel, as the needs are country-wide.
Examples of programming include:
· Transition to fatherhood
· Balancing work and family
· Fathers coping with divorce
· Fathers coping with loss
· Father-and-child activity workshops
· Fathers in single-parent families
The need for these services has increased dramatically during the pandemic due to intensifying family pressures, which has led to an uptick in the incidence of domestic violence.
Father's Day Tribute Wall 2023
Na’amat Canada is raising money to fund this project as part of our capital campaign for the term 2020-2023.