
We're planning an exciting year for 2024-2025, stay tuned.  For more information - please send an email to

Photographs taken at any virtual or in person event may be used in Na’amat Canada and partner organization print, online publications and on social media.





Club Ilana presents Ian Darragh on Zoom        Monday, February 24, 2025 at 8PM EST.

Ian talks about the book “Blatant Injustice”. Hear stories you’ve never heard before about Jewish refugees imprisoned during World War II.

There will be a Q&A following his presentation. Register here.  Donations welcome.

Sunday, March 30th 2:00PM to 4:00PM                  Club Ruach Presents: The Silly Seder

Why is this Seder not like any other Seder?

Join us for a modern take on the traditional seder based on family-friendly Internet humour. The event will feature live music, snacks, activities for kids, and a take-home Haggadah.

Register here $36 per person                                      Registration deadline is March 23rd.


Please support our fundraiser by becoming a Sponsor or including an ad or special greeting in the printed version of the Haggadah.


Sunday, April 27th 1PM to 4PM

Vintage Accessories Sale

This is a savvy thrifter's idea of paradise by featuring "luxe" items at bargain prices. In other words, this ain't your bubbie's rummage sale! So please spread the word!

Wanted for our sale:  Your preloved, long-treasured accessories in need of a new home. Specifically: decor items (i.e., tchotchkes - china, ceramics, crystal, etc.), costume jewelry, purses, belts, scarves and hats.  Sorry, but no clothing please.

Merchandise Dropoff Available:   

Wednesday, February 26th and Monday, March 10th 10am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm.   Borochov parking lot at the back door.  Info:






















The Dollars for David campaign is an annual Chanukah tradition for Na’amat Canada Toronto. This year, we have combined Dollars for David with the Emergency Chanukah Appeal to insure that the children's needs are being met. 

To make a donation now, click here or call our office at 416-636-5425. 





Click on your Club below:

Club Aliza Club Aviva Club Beersheba
Club Daroma Club Dayan Club Ilana
Club Kochavim Club Masada Club Rimon
Club Ruach Club Simcha-Kadima Club Tamar
Member at Large    

If you are not currently a Na’amat Canada Toronto member and would like to obtain information, please email    

Toronto Campaigns and Fundraisers 

Spiritual Adopt-a-Child

Our Spiritual Adopt-a-Child program provides financial and emotional support for children in Israel, from newborn babies to university graduates.

When you spiritually Adopt-a-Child, you provide the funds necessary to send a child in Israel to one of our world renowned Na’amat Daycare Centres, where the young ones are fed three hot meals a day and are cherished and nurtured by our specially trained staff.

Once children move out of our Daycares, we still watch out for them. Not every student is able to succeed in the regular school system. For these “last chance” children, we offer our Technological and Boarding High Schools to help them make their way through these new educational challenges. With your help, Na’amat students improve their self-esteem.... and learn to succeed on their own.

We are still there to lend a hand even when our children graduate from High School. Some of the lucky ones find themselves at university but are unable to afford the high cost of tuition. Na’amat steps in by offering a series of post-secondary scholarships to ease the financial burden of obtaining a higher education. 

Please click here to donate and benefit this worthy cause.


School Supplies for Kids & Mom's Bags

Once again this year, Na’amat Canada Toronto worked tirelessly with many volunteers to support children, women, and men in 11 local shelters. We provided hundreds of backpacks filled with brand new school supplies, as well as personal hygiene kits for moms and dads who are living in these shelters. The majority of these individuals leave abusive situations with nothing more than the clothes on their back, and we are here to help them. Thank you to our partner, Borochov Cultural Centre and Kol Yisroel Congregation for making this project possible. We also thank all of the volunteers, without whom this could not happen. 

Please click here to donate towards this ongoing, much needed project.

Click to see Backpacking video 

Click to see Mom’s/Dad’s Bags video


Our Clubs

Na'amat in Toronto has a rich foundation steeped in the tradition of working women and volunteers going back to the days when we were known as Pioneer Women. The daughters and granddaughters of the women of clubs Avodah, Borochov Women, Chadera, Club One, Dimona, Eilat, Galila, Golda Meir, Hanita, Havah, Independent Women, Kinnereth, Omna, Rachel and Shalom have followed in their footsteps – transferring their passion for the women and children of Israel to the younger generations we see today.

We are also very fortunate to be able to attract new members as well whose families may not have been involved as “Pioneer Women”. These women have chosen Na'amat to be part of their philanthropic future.  We are thrilled to welcome them into our vibrant sisterhood.


Aliza chapter is a fun group of Israeli women in their 70’s who love to sing, dance and party, while raising money for Israel. They meet every two weeks currently on ZOOM during the pandemic.We help raise money for Dollars for David and other projects in Israel.


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Club Aviva is a vibrant group of women aged 60 plus who meet generally every third week either in Thornhill or North York, or virtually. We have a wonderful array of programming throughout the year, with topics ranging from the fun and light to thought-provoking and informative. Our speakers are experts on everything from creative arts and health to what's happening in Israel and in our own community. In addition to special fundraising activities, our club sells the annual Mah Jongg cards from October until January. Our Chanukah parties have varied themes with all funds going to Dollars for David.



Beersheba is a special group of women over the age of 70. They focus much of their time on fundraising and delivering quality programming to members. The chapter has more than 60 years under its belt and is still going strong. Their main focus is raising funds to benefit the children who attend Na'amat daycare centres in Israel. Beersheba members have held their Signature Event, Musicales featuring fine musicians, including pianists, flutist, and vocalists.

At club meetings we have another means to raise funds: Half and half draws, Tips for Trips, book lending. and our newest venture: Pennies for Haven.


Club Dafna has a rich history, dating back 30 years. We're a mix of single and married fulltime working women, all with diverse careers and located between Southern Thornhill and the central Yonge/Sheppard corridor. While we may be small in number, we are passionate about the organization. If you are looking for new friends and want to share in new ways to give back to your community, we would love to meet you!


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Club Daroma, Na'amat Canada Toronto's newest club, caters to talented women in the 55+ age range living in midtown Toronto and further “south” (dah-rohm in Hebrew). Representing many professions and volunteer pursuits, we are committed to helping empowering women and their families here and in Israel.


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Club Dayan is a Na'amat club that was founded in 1967 and was named after a remarkable Israeli soldier, Moishe Dayan. He was the Minister of Defense during the Six-Day War (1967) and a political statesman. We chose to honour an incredible man.

Our club meetings are held bi-monthly primarily on Zoom or outdoors. Each meeting deals with either club business or hosting interesting speakers from all walks of life.

Yearly, in the autumn, along with two other clubs, we undertake a major FUNdraiser.

Through the years, Club Dayan has been filled with vibrant women.  We are a warm group of members who exemplify the true meaning of “sisterhood”. We welcome new members!



Club Ilana have been meeting since 1976.  They are a small yet vibrant group of women. Each member brings a wide range of personal and professional experiences to the table that allows the club to call on their local experts. The chapter's size encourages these ladies to work efficiently together and allows for partnerships with other Na'amat clubs, for events and fundraising.



Club Masada:

Founded in 1945 by 12 women whose mothers were members of Pioneer Women, Club Masada is celebrating over 75 years of service to Na’amat in Israel and in Canada.We have served as a role model to many clubs in Toronto guiding them in leadership and fundraising along with programming to engage other woman to become part of Na’amat.Two of Na’amat Canada’s most important fundraising projects Chanukah “Dollars for David” and “Spiritual Adopt a Child” were initiated by Club Masada members. We are also proud to have provided Na’amat with seven Toronto Council Presidents and three National Presidents.Several members of our club have been honoured by the Ontario government for volunteering for over 75 years.  We are proud members of Na’amat.

Member At Large

Because there are many women out there who don't have time to join a club right now, but want to belong to Na'amat, there is a special category for them. If you want to support Na'amat social services in Israel and Canada, but don't have time to attend regular meetings, becoming a member at large keeps you informed about all of the Na'amat related events occurring in Toronto, across Canada and in Israel.



We are a dynamic, fun, and successful Club of career-oriented women, mostly in our 40’s and early 50's. Our major fundraiser is the production and sale of our insanely delicious Triple Chocolate Matzo Crunch for Passover. The highlight of our year is getting together in the kitchen to make 1200+ sheets!  We don't always have time in our busy work / kids / life schedules to get together frequently, but with several multigenerational Na'amat committed members, we carry Na'amat in our hearts every day! We can be reached at if you would like to learn more about us.


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Club Ruach is Na'amat Canada Toronto's chapter for young professional women! We are a team of hardworking individuals in our late twenties to thirties who come together to make a difference in both Israel and Canada. Our own lives are enriched by the amazing feelings we get by giving back and through the life-changing friendships we create. Club Ruach runs multiple fundraising initiatives per year, but we are best known for our annual “Go Fish Speed Dating” event, which has been a success for nine years! Dinners, clothing swaps, Blue Jays games, and cooking classes are just some of the fun programs our members have done together. We are actively seeking new members who would like to collaborate on planning new events for our organization and are interested in becoming a part of a wonderful group of young women.   Email to get in touch with our chapter.



Club Simcha Kadima members are from the Thornhill and North Toronto area aged 60-75+. The club is busy with social activities, interesting speakers, and dynamic fundraising. Social activities include outings together, ending each meeting with good conversation, and fabulous food. Speaker topics range from Israel, health issues, travel information, decorating, to cooking, etc. We fundraise for our annual Dollars for David Pot Luck Dinner and most exciting of all most years we hold our annual Bingo at the Borochov Center.



Club Tamar has been in existence for over 40 years and some of us have been members since its inauguration. We usually meet bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings on Zoom.  In the winter, our Snowbirds can join us.  In the summer we try to meet in person.

Our focus is helping the women and children of Israel and we do this through our fundraising efforts. By working closely together, we have formed unique and lasting friendships. Our meetings often include wonderful and informative speakers, fundraising planning and there is always social time to get to know each other or just catch up. In addition to Zoom fundraisers the past few years, we have resumed selling tickets to the Curtain Club. 

Being a member of Club Tamar and Na'amat is a most satisfying life experience, and we welcome new members to join us and help create lasting friendships and memories. 

Council Position Descriptions

You can download the pdf that describes all of the positions available and contact the Toronto office to express your interest. Council Executive and Portfolio Chairs 


For more information about our events and programs, contact:
Na'amat Canada Toronto
272 Codsell Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M3H 3X2
Phone: 416.636.5425
Fax: 416.636.5248
Toll Free: 1.888.622.6280